To promote conservation and ethical hunting practices the Wisconsin DNR is accepting nominations for the Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award.
Laura Bergh
To promote conservation and ethical hunting practices the Wisconsin DNR is accepting nominations for the Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award.
Since 1997 the Wisconsin DNR has promoted a tradition of respect, responsibility and safety through the The Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award. Nominations for this award are open until January 31st 2025, and public participation is encouraged.
The Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award was founded by three western Wisconsin outdoors experts. Bob Lamb, retired outdoors editor of the La Crosse Tribune. Steve Dewald, retired DNR Conservation Warden Supervisor. Jerry Davis, a retired University of Wisconsin La Crosse Biology Professor and outdoors writer.
Each nomination is presented to a five-person committee which chooses the person they believe is most deserving the honor. Nomination for the award are based on single acts or events rather than long term conservation efforts. Examples can include helping fellow hunters find lost game, mentoring novice hunters, or exceptional singular acts of conservation. Though, gun-deer season brings in the most nominations, nomination worthy events can come from anytime during the 2024 year. All Wisconsinites are eligible to nominate an individual for the award, because it is not a requirement that the nominator is a hunter.
Nominations should be sent via email or mail to:
April Dombrowski, Bureau Director, Recreational Safety Outdoor Skills (RSOS)/Public Safety Resource Protection
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2421 Darwin Rd.
Madison, WI 53704-3109
In a recent edition of Mid-Day Magazine Senator Testin promoted the Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award. To read our article on the interview visit our website here. There is a link at the end of the article to listen to the interview in full.